Rafting in Brotas
A long driving day to Brotas finished earlier than expected, despite our slow truck getting overtaken by all the other Dragoman trucks. Supposedly it’ll get improved, but not until after a lot of long driving days to Foz.
This is hopefully the last time the three Dragoman trucks will meet up until Buenos Aires when we’ll at least be spread amongst two different hotels. We pretty much took over a whole campsite, but barely socialised at all between trucks.
In Brotas we had the choice between tubing and white water rafting. We chose rafting after the recent rains – there was a lot of water, but it wasn’t very rapid. The main excitement was caused by a long series of drop offs, rather than rushing through rapids, but we had a good time overall.
Following the rafting we went for a wander round the town. There seemed to be a large Italian population there as we found decent ice-cream parlours and whilst everyone else was in the internet cafe I found a very good Italian delicatessen. We walked back to the campsite and I surprised the others with a decent antipasti selection and rather incongruously a wedge of vintage Old Dutch Gouda.
Apparently this didn’t do much for my karma as the next morning I walked into an overlooked tent peg in the middle of nowhere, ripping off the front of my left toe, which bled for two days before I could cover it in gauze. It probably needed stitches, but there wasn’t really anywhere to get it done in a timely fashion so I used duck tape to hold it all together, which seemed to work just as well.