Each person you kill gives you their target and the last person left is the winner, which breeds a healthy mistrust among truck-mates. The game started at 7.30am and I got my first victim at 7.31am with a Chinese bag and a flip flop as they used the water tap. I’d laid an elaborate trap involving the washing up bowl, but instead they wandered blindly over and filled up their water bottle making it quite easy.
The next victim was to be killed with a sleeping bag by the fridge. I positioned a bottle of vodka on the step by her seat so as the truck went over a bump it slipped off and rolled forward. She jumped up to stop it and carried it back to put it in the fridge, allowing me to step over and make the kill, which everyone agreed was quite elegantly done.
The game came down to two of us and I won it by positioning their bag at the back of the back locker, so they had to climb inside, where I could wait outside and get them with Marmite and a trowel.