Camping near Turpan
This is short because I was mostly ill for these 4 days. We spent full days driving through the desert, with a mixture of hotels and wild camps.
Highlights include:
- A near fight in a market when a lady tried to charge us GBP14 for what should have been a 50p meal.
- Sitting outside Mogao caves because I didn’t want to throw up on an important Buddhist relic.
- Sitting in a hairdressers, getting laughed by Chinese people at for my (excellent) impression of a pair of clippers
- Coming out of a hairdressers and getting laughed at by my truckmates for my (excellent) haircut.
- Camping on a farm in the middle of nowhere and wandering about all night in pitch darkness trying to find ground soft enough to dig a hole for the toilet.
- Waking up 2 hours later and not being able to find the hole again.
- Waking up 2 hours later and not being able to find the hole again.
- Waking up 2 hours later and not being able to find the hole again.
- Getting up in the morning and falling in the hole (thankfully not)