The Chendgu Panda Breeding Research Base rose to prominence after the 2008 Sichuan earthquake damaged the much more natural Wolong Nature Reserve. The intention is to research improved methods of captive panda breeding and release more back into the wild, but most of the site is given over to tourism. As a result, the conservation centre is now one of the best easiest places in the world to see giant pandas.
A small museum and video quickly briefs visitors on the research taking place and a guide merrily displays some pickled panda genitals (which may be a hindrance to that particular bear’s future breeding prospects).
Walking round the bamboo-lined paths there are plenty of enclosures housing both fully-grown and baby pandas, along with the not-very-panda-like Red Panda. Between 8.30 and 10 is the feeding time when the bears actually look alive, as they seem to sleep the rest of the day.
It should all be very pleasant, but as with the bears at Beijing Zoo, the worst aspect of the Chengdu Panda Conservation Centre is the other visitors.
Signs at the Chengdu Panda Breeding Research Base
Be quiet – This one means shout and scream at each other. Also, if the animals aren’t cooperating with posing for your photos, feel free to shout at them as well. If that doesn’t work, then:
Show Respect – This one means throw biscuits, crackers, plastic toys and cigarette butts.
Any time a panda looked away from the photographers at least one person would throw something to get its attention. Nobody seemed to think this might be a bad idea.
If the panda babies are safely inconveniently behind glass, wave at the staff and they’ll happily poke them on your behalf to make them a little more lively.
No climbing – This means no climbing, unless you’re a Little Emperor child who rules your parents.
In that case, you’re perfectly entitled to sit wherever you like and no one is going to be allowed to tell you otherwise.
If the child is too fat and lazy to climb over the railings, feel free to pull the child up and place them inside the enclosure. What could possibly go wrong? They may as well pee into the enclosure whilst they’re up there as the toilets are at least 20 metres away.
As an adult, if the pesky railings are getting in your way, just set up your tripod on the wrong side of the rail then climb over to get that essential shot of a scared panda.

A reminder to visitors not to eat the pandas (even if there is a giant panda kitchen)
Anyway…grumpiness aside the pandas are quite cute, even though they spend a lot of time being very confused at their surroundings. All of my videos seem to involve a baby panda walking face first into trees or falling off logs:
Getting There
Despite my reservations it’s still worth visiting. Entrance is only 30rmb. Reach the panda reserve via a short bus or taxi ride, or take a tour operated by many of the hotels. Being careful on the way back as the taxis that hang around the area are mostly fake gypsy cabs, but more about that next week…

I'm not sure if this is a panda house, as labeled, or an art installation borrowed from the Tate Modern
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Pingback: Stephen McGrath (@rockportrait)
“This means no climbing, unless you’re a Little Emperor child who rules your parents.” HIlarious! But it is important to show respect to these animals especially since we are the ones intruding their time. I love panda bears!
I wasn’t too bothered beforehand, but after seeing them it’s impossible not to find them cute!
Ugh. What is wrong with people? This is so upsetting to read. Thank you for bringing attention to people’s awful behavior!
It is terrible, but still better than some of the scenes I saw at Beijing Zoo
Pingback: Diana Edelman (@DTravelsRound)
I can’t believe visitors would disrespect the home of those cute little pandas like that.
I should have noted it was both foreign and domestic tourists…
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Pingback: (@Selly06) (@Selly06)
I’ve only seen pandas once at the Busch Gardens in Florida when I was much younger. They pretty much just slept and the people were kept on a moving platform with the pandas behind glass so they couldn’t be disturbed. Quite a different experience to this one, for sure. How sad.
Pingback: Marc Wandschneider (@marcwan)
I got ticked off just reading this: I can’t imagine actually being there to experience it. Then again, given all the rhino horn, tiger penis, pangolin poaching and bear bile farms, I suppose we should just be thankful the pandas aren’t ground up for some sort of traditional medicinal cure… um, they don’t grind up the pandas, do they?
Thankfully pandas aren’t used in traditional Chinese medicine – the biggest threat to their survival is the loss of their natural habitat through bamboo deforestation (and the fact that they refuse to eat anything other than bamboo, despite being perfectly capable of doing so).
The government is actually doing a decent conservation job with Pandas, unlike the rhinos, tigers and lots of other species.
Pingback: Green Global Travel (@GreenGlobalTrvl)
Pingback: (@weninchina) (@weninchina)
That is one of my pet peeves too! The people at this conservation sites!!! It’s sad that the employees/staff at these places don’t enforce the rules 🙁
The pandas are adorable indeed! I’ll be in Beijing this June. I’ll plan on visiting Chengdu and this panda reserve. i hope I dont get too overly annoyed with the other visitors!
Hopefully I just went on a bad day – I’m sure you’ll love it nonetheless
So cute! And I know what you mean about disrespectful tourists… especially in museums too… if the sign says please dont touch the several hundred year old priceless painting/ artifact … then maybe get your grubby hands off it! grrrrrr
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I saw the Pandas a few days ago and didn’t really notice any of the behavior your describing. Maybe there was just a bad group in that day, or maybe I had a more well behaved group. Either way the Pandas looked happy (although it is hard to tell, they always look happy and cute).
Such contradictory creatures, big and cute, wholly incapable of adapting to their environment, yet around longer than most species.
And they make great teddy bears.
I’m glad you enjoyed it, and it’s good news that the crowd was better behaved