Cuidad Bolivar
New Year’s Day was spent driving fourteen hours across the country, culminating in a bush camp where we pulled over and camped next to a farm, all the while watched over by a suspicious man with a shotgun.
The following day was spent driving yet further until, slightly smelly after our wild camp. we arrived in Ciudad Bolivar and a pristine German owned campsite.
Whilst the others set up their tents I wandered over and chatted to the manager in German about something random until he offered me a free room upgrade to distract me and get away. I quietly accepted and moved my bags into the air conditioned room whilst the others wondered where I’d pitched my tent. It wasn’t until they wandered off to the swimming pool and encountered the cold shared showers that I emerged refreshed and smelling lovely from the hot shower in the room to much jealousy. The campsite had Wi-Fi and a pool table so we were pretty much set for the evening.
Following a late breakfast we took the free bus ride for the 30 minute trip into town, but being Sunday almost everything was closed except a cafe staffed by the most miserable woman on the planet. The only place open for lunch was a bar styled to look like the inside of a cave (a polystyrene cave that is) but it served decent enough empanadas and cold drinks so no need to be picky.